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(Micro)organism Diversity and Cultural Heritage



Analysis and diagnosis of biodeterioration in indoor (i.e. churches, museums, archives, libraries, hypogean environments) and outdoor (i.e. monuments, statues, archaeological sites) environments applied to Cultural Heritage conservation and valorization. 
Investigations are based on a multidisciplinary approach with macro- and microscopic techniques and the use of enzymological, cultural and molecular methods.

- Detection of microbial lipolytic, cellulosolytic, proteolytic activities, acids, solvents, pigments and surfactant production to control damage of paintings, wooden materials and historical documents. Detection and optimization of microbial enzymes with potential application in biorestoration (amylases, caseinases, collagenases).

- Analysis of plant materials, such as wood, textile fibers and paper, and microscopic aspects of their deterioration.

- Identification and quantification of lichenized and non-lichenized fungal deteriogens, by means of field and laboratory investigations (i.e. microscopy, culturing, molecular biology).

- Characterization of the biodeterioration of stonework through the integrated application of biological, minero-petrographic and chemical techniques. 

- Conservation programmes focused on macroscopic and microscopic examinations, deterioration features and preventive care for the Anthropological and Ethnographic Museum's Collection at the University of Turin .



GdL Biologia dei Licheni (

Last update: 04/07/2018 14:36
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