Anthropology of past populations
- Boano Rosa (Coordinator)
- (Member)
- Micheletti Cremasco Margherita (Member)
- (Member)
- Alessandra Cinti (Staff)
- Gianluigi Mangiapane (Staff)
- Donatella Minaldi (Staff)
- Alberto Mottura (Staff)
- Alessia Orrù (Staff)
Human variability and adaptive/selective mechanisms analyzed in ancient human groups. Investigations are based on a multidisciplinary approach with macro-microscopic techniques applied on ancient remains and biodemographical analyses from historical data. The research program includes four main themes.
1) Analysis of human skeletal and mummified remains from archaeological and historical contexts and museum's collections. They provide a wealth of information on paleodemography, biological characteristics, health and disease, diet, lifestyle. The studies include: field procedures for recovering human materials, investigation on mortuary practice and taphonomy; laboratory procedures such as bones identification, recognition of post-mortem modification (diagenesis), anthropological and paleopathological analysis; preventive care and ethics in museum.
2) Analysis of historical data, such as ecclesiastical and civil records of baptisms, marriages, and burials, from archives of alpine communities. The biodemographic data could complete paleodemographic studies in order to recognize biotransformation in human populations, in past and present time.
3) Analysis of small mammal assemblages for the biochronological dating and climatic reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment in order to drawing information about pre and proto-historical human settlements.
4) Analysis of morphological and morphometric features with taxonomic and evolutive values and pathological studies on non-human Primates osteological collections.